The +2's PSU is rated: DC 9V, 2.1A, Centre Negative. The input is AC 220-240V, 50Hz.

Local alternatives to the original PSU are preferable, since you won't need a step-up transformer. I use a generic PSU capable of supplying 2A, which I use to power all three machines (48K, 128K, +2). I bought the PSU from the US (I couldn't find one in Japan surprisingly) so it doesn't need a converter for the pins. You can also make use of the original Sega Mega Drive PSU, or similar, if you are using a 48K Spectrum (the Mega Drive 2 PSU is different, please check the specifications match those above). My two 48K Spectrums draw about 600mA when no peripherals are attached, so a generic PSU of 1A would suffice in this instance. The Mega Drive PSU can supply up to 1.2A so should be fine for a 48K Spectrum with for example a DivIDE attached.
On the right you can see the cheap PAL to NTSC converter I use. It only adds colour to the picture, it doesn't affect the frequency at all. The original Spectrum produces its sound internally, hence the lack of audio input cables seen above. The 128K and +2 machines produce audio through the television, though you may wish to connect directly to a pair of computer speakers.
In order to get a picture on modern televisions, in Japan or anywhere else, you'll need to carry out a simple operation as detailed on Womble's blog. It's really very simple and only takes a few minutes, as long as you have a soldering iron and some wire.
If using the original PSU a step-up transformer is required, they're available in K's Denki and the like. In my case I use such a transformer for the Data Recorder.
Input and Outputs ports

Tape Recorder ports
TV socket
128K: Expansion port
RGB monitor output
TV socket
Tape Recorder ports
+2: Expansion port
MIDI/RS-232 port
External Keypad port
RGB monitor output
TV socket
Sound port
On the 128K and +2 machines I use the RGB output in combination with the audio socket. However, the +2 machine only produces a black and white picture for some reason, so I tend not to use it.
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The monitor shown above is a Sharp CZ-614D (X68000) monitor which has a Vertical Hold Adjustment knob, so it can display the 50Hz signal relatively well though not perfectly. The 100Hz television's picture is a lot better.

ZX Printer

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I also brought over a large number of games. Here are just a few of them:
Japanese Arcade Classics
More Arcade Games and a Hudson Conversion: Stop the Express
Some of my favourite games in here, also shows the range in box sizes available...
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